Choose type for your projects
city square apartment
- $589 - $689
- 300 - 90 0Square meters
- 1 building + 2street + 2 face + 1 angle
- No balcon
- Free edits up to 3 times
- 5% Discount of square design
Leisure Street
- $800 - $1000
- 600 - 1200 Square meters
- 2 buildings+ 1 street
- no Balcon
- Free edits up to 3 times
- 5% Discount of Leisure Street design
moutain hotel
- $900 - $1500
- 1200- 2000 square meters
- 5 buildings
- No Balcon
- Free edits up to 5 times
- 5% discount of moutain hotel